Hi! I’m Amy, the illustrator/owner of Place & Maker Studio. If you’re looking for a beautiful illustration of your home (or a home that’s special to you), I would love to work with you!

A little about me:

I am very much a homebody - which is probably why I gravitate toward drawing houses! I live in a beautiful old bungalow house in south Louisville with my husband and two cats, and do most of my work from a spare bedroom that’s been converted to an office.

When I’m not drawing or doing work for the business, you’re likely to find me running or working out, driving around in neighborhoods being a local sightseer, watching Downton Abbey, or reading the Harry Potter books (again).

Working as an illustrator was definitely not what I’d imagined I’d ever be doing - but it is where I feel happiest. Over the years, I’ve worked in retail, as a writer/editor at a few local publications, and as a communications director. All, in their own ways, very valuable learning experiences for my current life.

I started drawing little landmarks in my neighborhood as a creative project during the quarantined days of 2020, and was so delighted when people liked my work that I decided to keep going. I’ve been honored to participate in local market events like Made Market and the Cherokee Triangle Art Fair, have my artwork featured in the window of the Louisville Visitors’ Center downtown, and have people from all over the city and state buy art prints from me.

If you ever have questions about working with me, or have ideas for a project you’d like to ask about, please get in touch! You can find me at amy@placeandmaker.com.

To see works in progress, details about upcoming events, and other fun stuff, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook.